miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Wednesday 15th of April


Yesterday, some of you had problems to do the maps. That was because I have just realised you need a computer to do them. Taking that into account, I would like to know, what devices you have at your disposal at home. If you have more than one, write them in the comments.


We start with a new form to practise spelling.

When you finish, press on the three lines in the corner, press on PRINT, In destiny option choose: Save it as a pdf and send it to my email account.

As some of you struggle with conditionals I would like you to watch these videos:

Now you have watched the videos, let's see how you do it.


It's been long since we don't review previous lessons. 

You have until midnight to do it. You will have to register with an email account following this link:

Once you are registered (Please use your name and the first letter of your surname) Go to the following link to see how you do it.


14 comentarios:

  1. Hi Marta, when I press the 3 lines on the game of spelling bee I can’t see nothing about save pdf or something like that. Can I press to “guardar imagen” (it’s not in the 3 lines, it’s in my iPad) and I send you by email?

  2. Hi marta,I do the worksheet and the spelling bee.I registered Quizizz,what I have to do?

    1. Send me a photo of the spelling and click on the link after the video of Quizziz registration, over the photo of Good Luck.

  3. Respuestas
    1. You have nothing to print. What you have to do is to send me the pdf.

  4. Hi Marta the game of spelling I can't do it because when I want to write the word the game it doesn't let me. Bye bye

    1. You have to press on the first letter and then type the translation.

  5. Hi marta,Im iker asenjo I do all the exercises and the spelling bee 1 I send you with my email
    Bye bye

  6. Hi Marta. I did all the activities and in the Spelling I had 18/20. Bye Bye.

  7. Hi marta, I'm Maria in the spelling I had 15/20

  8. Hi Marta I'm Ainhoa I've done all of the activities and the spelling. In the spelling I had 15/20.


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