viernes, 17 de abril de 2020


After so long, it could be a good idea to thank people who work in hospitals, supermarkets, factories, cleaning, looking out, .... carriers, police, firefighters, drivers, delivery people....All those who have to go out to make our living in this situation better.(Maybe you have them at home) So I've been thinking that you can do something to cheer them up. Video, audio message, change the lyrics of a song or create your own song, a poster, a drawing, .......anything. You can send it to me and I'll try to do a presentation that we can publish. What do you think? You need your parents consent (both) if you appear in the video, or you can wear a mask. You can do it on your own or in family. Use your imagination. COME ON!!!! I AM SURE YOU HAVE GREAT IDEAS. YOU CAN DO IT IN SPANISH.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Marta,i am Valle.
    We have to do a song or we can only do a draw?

    1. You can do what you want. It is volunteer. What you feel better with.


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