viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


For Natural Science Project, you will need:

A screw

A battery

A copper wire (1 ' 5 m)

Some metallic objects to attract like needles, staplers.....

14 comentarios:

  1. marta, entonces luego a las 12 hay otra videollamada?

  2. You need around 1 meter and a half.

  3. No puedo comprarlo todo está cerrado soy Alba q hago??

    1. I gave you a reply in a different entrance. You need the material for monday. I know it is dificult to find the materials needed. As battery you can use any you have at home (cualquier pila gorda o mediana sirve) and as wire you can peel any you have at home (pelar cualquier cable que tengas por casa). If you can't, don't worry you can make a model pretending you have the materials (wool as wire and a small closed box or container as battery) It is not going to work but you will see how to make it for the moment you are able to buy them.

  4. Marta,soy Javier M.,a lo mejor no tengo los materiales el lunes.

  5. Please, in english.You need the material for monday. I know it is dificult to find the materials needed. As battery you can use any you have at home (cualquier pila gorda o mediana sirve) and as wire you can peel any you have at home (pelar cualquier cable que tengas por casa). If you can't, don't worry you can make a model pretending you have the materials (wool as wire and a small closed box or container as battery) It is not going to work but you will see how to make it for the moment you are able to buy them.

  6. Respuestas
    1. Daniel, there is an entrance called AVISO where I explain what you have to do

  7. Respuestas

    2. You didn't send your PET answers. Do it today!!!


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