jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Thursday 19th March

Yesterday, some of you played spelling. It is time for you to TEST your spelling.
Go to: https://kahoot.it/challenge/0985854?challenge-id=30d1d602-878f-4a4f-8429-2fb9a268d322_1584601649809 and show me how you are doing. The test will be closed tomorrow at 22.00h. As nickname: write your name and surname.

After that, you will have to do KET test 2. To do it you have 60 minutes. Then, fill in the formulario, to send your answers.

Tomorrow, we will have another 2 videoconferences at 10.00h and at 17.00h. Do you remember the challenge I proposed last sunday? Get ready, you will show your proposals at the same time. So, no worries. There will be another surprise. Join in and you won't regret it!!!!!

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