miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Wednesday 25th March.

Correct the activities from yesterday:

AB Page 84 Ex1

1 win the lottery
2 have three wishes
3 get lost
4 travel back in time
5 be invisible
6 be the president
7 travel in space
8 meet a famous person

AB Page 84 Ex2

1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B

SPELLING BEE: Play https://kahoot.it/challenge/0510756?challenge-id=30d1d602-878f-4a4f-8429-2fb9a268d322_1584909389095

Go to PB page 88 and read the text. Then go to AB page 85 Ex 1, 2, 3.

This the audio for activity 3.

Do this worksheet.


Today we are going on an outing. Would you like to come with me? Press on the image and.....LET'S GO!!!!

Let's review gulfs and peninsulas of Europe. In your map of Europe label from 1-24. (The photocopy I gave you)

20 comentarios:

  1. Marta, I can´t do the audio of ex 3 of english.

  2. Hello Marta!
    I was doing the kahoot but when we finished, I was wrong, and I think that my connection was gone,so,
    I did another player, Marta, please,that only counts Abril G

  3. Hi Marta. I did The homework for today but I can´t do the audio of exercise 3 of English. Bye bye.

  4. Hi Marta! I am Natalia, in the kahoot I have put first Natalia Nicolás, then Natalia N2, but the computer have been crazy and it closed all the programs and all, so I have to do it again. The definetly name it will be Natalia 6ºA. Can you count this name??? Thank you and sorry.

  5. Hi Marta, I am Diego. I have sent you the 2 pages.

  6. Marta I am Diego l, I have made 3 counts in kahoot because it doesnt play.
    I am going to make the fourth count ok. Its DIEGO L 08

    1. Hi Mata i'm Alba I cant do the mapa

    2. Hi Marta i'm Alba again my moblie phone be crazy in the so you can count the second one

    3. The second what? Why can't you do the map? Can you use a tablet or a computer instead of your mobile?

  7. Hi Marta I have made a TRIP for New York.
    Through the website you have put in the blog ( :):):):): )

  8. Hi Marta,I do the 2 pages,the kahoot,the travel of New York,I correct the homework of yesterday and I do the homework of today.

    1. Javier I do is not correct, the best way is I have done....The travel TO New York, I HAVE CORRECTED the homework and I HAVE DONE the exercises.


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