lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Monday 30th March


Correct the activities from last friday:

Unit 7 Grammar
AB page 108 Activity 1
1 old enough 2 too short 3 strong enough 4 too expensive 5 too young 6 fashionable enough

AB page 108 Activity 2
1 expensive as the car. 2 old as the motorbike.
3 The car is as fast as the motorbike. 4 The car isn’t as easy to park as the motorbike.

AB page 108 Activity 3
1 share, will save 2 will save, compare 3 do,will earn 
4 won’t save, buy

AB page 108 Activity 4
Pupils’ own answers

Unit 7 Vocabulary
AB page 108 Activity 5
1 credit card 2 purse 3 till 4 customer

AB page 108 Activity 6
1 ripped 2 stained 3 cracked

Unit 8 Grammar
AB page 109 Activity 1
1 lived, would swim 2 would take, visited
3 wouldn’t touch, went 4 saw, wouldn’t be
5 didn’t have, would eat

AB page 109 Activity 2
1 Would you be scared if you saw a tarantula? 
2 Would you be happy if you won a competition? 
3 Would you say hello if you met a pop star? 
4 Would you be worried if you were lost?

AB page 109 Activity 3 and 4
Pupils’ own answers

Unit 8 Vocabulary
AB page 109 Activity 5
1 shore 2 sea lion 3 hammock 4 Coral 5 palm tree

AB page 109 Activity 6
1 travel in space 2 travel back in time 3 were the president 
4 won the lottery

Today, we are going to continue with conditionals, studying third conditional. For you to understand it better, watch this two videos. The first one is about perfect tenses, very usuful for third conditional, and the second one about third conditional:

Have a look to this anchor chart about conditionals and COPY IT in your NOTEBOOK and SEND A PHOTO.

Now, do this worksheet:

Third conditional, una ficha interactiva de traute

Of the phocopies I gave you, do the page of THIRD CONDITIONAL.


Read page 77. Magnets are everywhere. Can you find magnets in your house? Where are them and what are they for?

Do the following quiz to find out what you know about magnets:

Now that you are an expert in magnetism....:

In your notebook, do activities 1, 2, 3 page 80. Send a photo to my email to check the presentation.


Today you are going to create your own MEME or GIF, about HOW YOU FEEL IN THIS SITUATION, in english.

 Go to this link:

Follow the instructions to create your meme or gif. (Investigate, try.....) Once you have what you want, put a tick in PRIVATE, then GENERATE MEME, and then DOWNLOAD IMAGE.

Change the name of the image for your name and send it to my EMAIL ACCOUNT.

I will post your memes as soon as I have them in groups of 5. Try to make it funny, so we can have a good time.

21 comentarios:

  1. Hi Marta! I'm Natalia, in the Natural Science quiz I scored 8 of 10 in 58 second. For you to know it. Thank you.

  2. Hello Marta,I correct the english homework,the third conditional page,I copy the gramar in my notebook,I do the worksheet;I do the natural science quiz and I scored 7 of 10 and I do the exercises.

  3. Hi Marta. In the Natural Science quiz I had 8/10 in 1 minute 5 seconds. Bye Bye.

  4. Marta, I did the Third Conditional page and correct the English exercises.

  5. Marta, I send you the photo of exercises of Natural SC.

  6. Hi marta,Im iker asenjo un the natural science quiz I score 8/10 un 1minute and 20 second

  7. Marta I send you the photo of Natural SC exercises. Bye Bye.

  8. Marta I did de natural science quiz I score 7/10 in a 1 minute 26 seconds I'm Maria

  9. Hi marta,Im iker asenjo in the exercise 77 i have the magnets in the fridge and the doors

  10. Hi marta im Nerea. How to make the gif or the meme?

  11. Hi Marta I'm ismael and I score 10/10 in one minute thirteen esconds on the natural science quiz.


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