jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

Thursday 21st May


It's been long since I last hear you, so I would like you to prepare a presentation describing this photo. Do you remember you had a page to do it? Use it today to write the description on a paper and learn it by heart. Then you will have to record yourself, WITH NO PAPER, describing it. Send me the recording. It can't last more than 1 minute. It's better if you upload it to a cloud and you send me just the link to watch it. 
Here you have it, if you don't know which page I am talking about: DOWNLOAD

Here you have a video in which you can see a full performance of PET SPEAKING EXAM:

Their English is not perfect, and they make lots of mistakes, but I want you to focus in the fluency and interaction between them.


We are going to correct the previous exercises:

Activity 1

fertilisation; zygote; embryo; foetus

Activity 2

Primary: b, d, f; 
Secondary: a, c, e

Activity 3

a. ovaries; b. scrotum; c. fallopian tubes; d. penis; e. vasa deferentia; f. uterus

What the call egg cells in the video are what we call ovules,

Now, you are ready for the first review Quizizz based on Unit 3. Remember, you only have today to do it.

EXTRA WORK: FROM 16 TO 23 OF EACH CLASS WILL CREATE A QUIZ IN QUIZIZZ OF 4 QUESTIONS ABOUT UNIT 4. As title write your nameUnit4Natural. When you have it done just send me the link to play it.

19 comentarios:

  1. Hi Marta. I don´t understand how to create the quizziz. I have already put the name and the subject and then I have 5 options. Which one do I give?

  2. Hi Eneko. The options are for the different types of questions you can create. You can create a question with 4 options for one correct answers, you can create a question in which you have to tick 2 or 3 correct answers, you can create a question in which you have to write.... Explore!

  3. Hi Marta,we have to do an audio or a video.

  4. Marta me pone si quiero que sea visible para mi o para todos.

  5. Marta. I have given him to see for all and I do not know if you have been sent.

    1. No you have to SHARE it with me. Anyway, tell me the name of the quiz and I will try to find it.

  6. Marta i don't understand the exercise if the photo

    1. You have to record yourself describing the photo, audio or video. I don't care.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Marta my mother is not here and I won´t send it to you.

  9. The name of the quetioner are EnekoUnit4Natural.

  10. Marta im Ángel. In the exercises of natural what is the page of the exercises that we correct

    1. The last ones you should have from last week. You have to work daily.


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