miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Wednesday 13th May


First of all, we are going to correct the activities from monday. Remember I corrected your exercise 1 individually.

 Activity 2
1 What did you use to watch on TV?
2 What time did you use to go to bed?
3 Which songs did you use to sing?
4 Which stories did you use to listen to?
Activity 3
’m going to go,
is going to,
Activity 5
1 overall
2 Chalk
3 laptop
4 Headphones
5 easel
 Activity 6
1 musical instrument
2 sports kit
3 locker

4 geometry set
5 Literature

SPELLING BEE: Go to Quizizz. There you have your spelling.

We have finished Unit 9. It's time to do the REVIEW. Go to your Activity Book page 98. Do the activities 1,2,3,4,5.

Send me a photo of your work.


Let's correct yesterday exercises.

Page 53. Exercise 6

a. the Senate;
b. the Prime Minister;
c. the Supreme Court;
d. judges and magistrates;
e. 2019. PSOE Pedro Sánchez.

Page 53. Exercise 8

a. True;
b. False. The minimum is 300.
c. True;
d. False.
All Spaniards have the same rights and obligations in

any part of Spanish territory.

Page 66. Exercise 2

a. legislative, judicial and executive

b. ‘Marcha Real’
c. Citizens vote in general elections for a party that will get seats in Congress. The members of  Congress choose the Prime Minister.

Let's start with Unit 4. Do the following exercises.

Page 66. Exercise 2 (d, e, f)
Page 67. Exercise 4

Send me a photo of it.

EXTRA WORK: FROM 5 TO 10 OF EACH CLASS WILL CREATE A QUIZ IN QUIZIZZ OF 4 QUESTIONS ABOUT UNIT 4. As title write your nameUnit4Social. When you have it done just SHARE THE LINK WITH ME.

6 comentarios:

  1. Marta im Ángel. In Quizziz it wont let me create more questionaries

    1. I have the one from yesterday. You don't have to do anymore.

  2. Hi Marta. I did all the activities for today. Bye Bye.

  3. Hola Marta, soy Valle.
    He hecho mi questionario peor no salian las preguntas y no me deja hacer otro, que puedo hacer?

    1. Hi Valle, write in english here please. Remember the rules.
      I can't understand why you don't see the questions if you wrote them. You can EDIT what you did in a little pencil that you have to see when you open your questionaire.
      One more thing, you don't need to send 4 comments. One is enough.


Leave your comment here. It will not appear immediately. I will reply ASAP.