martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Tuesday 5th May


Reading Day:


We are going to correct the definitions from last week.

Team 2

1. the French Revolution;
2. the Carlist Wars;
3.the Republicans;
4. Fernando VII;
5. PSOE;
6. the War of Independence.

We are having an exam tomorrow, so today we won't do activities. I want you to study unit one and unit two for tomorrow. If you have any doubt, leave it in the comment box and I will solve it asap. Read your partners doubts, they might help you. I won't answer the same question twice.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Marta. I did all the activities for today. Bye Bye.

  2. Hi Marta. How we are going to do the exam?

  3. Hi Marta Im Iker Asenjo I do all the things of today
    Bye bye

  4. Hi Marta i'm Claudia,How we are going to do the Exam?
    Bye bye


Leave your comment here. It will not appear immediately. I will reply ASAP.