martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Tuesday 19th May


Reading day. CHAPTER 6. THE JOURNEY FROM PLATFORM 9. (Use the zoom to read it better). The other link is out of use at the moment.


Let's correct the activities from last week.

Page 66. Exercise 2.

d. the EEC
e. The Treaty of Rome established the EEC in 1957.
f. EU citizens elect the European Parliament.

Page 67. Exercise 4

a. 5; b. 4; c. 6; d. 2; e. 1; f. 3

Ready? Go to Quizizz and review Unit 3.
Remember: You only have until 11.00pm to do it!!!!

6 comentarios:

  1. Hijo Marta the questions of the book is not put.

    1. Refresh the page. I had problems with the link and I have had to change the formulario as the pages didn't match. Now it's on.

  2. Hi Marta I did all the activities for today.

  3. Marta the chapter and quizizz is only the homework


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