miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Wednesday 20th May


Let's correct the activities from last wednesday. Activity Book REVIEW Unit 9. Page 98

Exercise 1 
1 oil paints, canvas, easel
2 interactive whiteboard, laptop, headphones
3 overall, goggles, sports kit
4 Physics, Chemistry, Literature
Exercise 2, 3 (I have already corrected them individually)
Exercise 4 
1 They used to write on a slate.
2 He used to spend his time studying.
3 He’s / She’s going to go to secondary school.

Exercise 5 
a plan of your school subjects and times

Let's correct the activities from last friday. Pupil's Book 120 and 121

Page 120 Exercise 2

1.- 2 paragraph
2.- 4 paragraph
3.- 5 paragraph
4.- 3 paragraph

Page 120 Exercise 4

1 H Would you like a holiday with a difference?
2 B The journey takes about 5 hours.
3 A The bedrooms are large and comfortable.
4 F It has the best views in the hotel too.
5 G There are also activities for our more active guests.
6 D See your local travel agent for more information.

Page 121 Exercise 1

1 The writer is giving advice .C 
2 The writer is giving instructions. D 
3  The writer is advertising something. A 
4 The writer is complaining.B

Page 121 Exercise 2

1 C What's the writer trying to do? Advice people on how to buy things for a good price.
 2 A  What's Candem market? A market in London that's open at the weekend
3 B What's the writer's opinion about haggling? There used to be more haggling at markets than now.

Let's correct the activities from last monday. Pupil's Book 105

Exercise 2 (Long sentences required as you can see)

1 The date varies from year to year. In 2015 it’s May 15.
2 They cut down trees, block rivers, build new houses, pollute water and hunt animals.
3 People visit zoos, botanical gardens, aquariums and wildlife refuges and learn more about endangered species.
4 extinct

SPELLING: Go to Quizizz . It is waiting for you....(Only until 11pm)

We have finished all the contents in the book!!!Hurraaah!!!!

Well, you are right Harry. It's time to review and correct all our mistakes. So today we are going to review question particles. I want you to copy this chart on your notebook.

I want you to do this exercise. You can do it in two different ways. Choose the one that suits you better.

1.-You can copy and do it on your notebook (You have to send a photo)


2.-You can use this link, follow the instructions (I am not going to explain how to do it as instructions are there in english. More points for those who try this way.) and send it to me. https://en.islcollective.com/fill/5eb3d0566be04 (You have to send the link, NO PHOTO of the computer)

Don't forget to send me a photo of your work (Notebook and/or worksheet).


Review and study units 3 and 4.

Do Team 1 definitions of page 67. (COPY THE DEFINITIONS)

Don't forget to send me a photo of your work.


11 comentarios:

  1. Hi Marta I can't see any questionary on the QUIZZIZ.
    I'm Valle

  2. Hi Marta, i'm Valle I can't see any questionary on QUIZZIZ

    1. Close everything, and try now. Enter with your data

  3. Marta I can´t do the worksheet

  4. Hi Marta. I did all the activities for today and I send you the photos.

    1. Check your mail. I'm afraid there's a problem with your work.

  5. I cannot do the worksheet

    1. I have answered your previous comment. DO IT IN YOUR NOTEBOOK!!!

  6. I send you the link of the worksheet. Bye Bye.


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